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Living With God Alongside
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
Eugene Peterson
Rhythms of Grace
Tony Horsfall
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
John Mark Comer
Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster
Emotionally Healthy Spiritually
Peter Scazzero

Being a Disciple of Jesus
Only the Brave
From the Spring Harvest Team
The Pursuit of the Holy
Simon Ponsonby
The Disciple
Lucy Peppiatt
Holy Grit
James Poch
The Purpose Driven Life
Rick Warren
Basic Christianity
John Stott

Sharing the good news of Jesus with the world
Imagine Church
Neil Hudson
Mission Shaped Living
John McGinley
The Ragamuffin Gospel
Brennan Manning
As a Fire by Burning
Roger Standing
The Reason for God
Timothy Keller

How to Pray
Pete Greig
Timothy Keller
How to Pray
John Pritchard

The Narnia Chronicles
CS Lewis
Phoebe: a story
Paula Gooder

Knowing the Bible
How to Read the Bible for All its Worth
Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart
Andy Croft and Mike Pilavachi
Does the Bible really say that?
Mark Woods

Exploring Faith
If God, Then What?
Andrew Wilson
Mere Christianity
CS Lewis

Introducing Theology
Surprised by Hope
Tom Wright
Krish Kandiah
The Divine Conspiracy
Dallas Ward
Love Wins
Rob Bell
God of violence yesterday, God of love today?
Helen Paynter
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