Welcome to Watchet Baptist Church
We meet as 'big church' on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays - and as 'little church' smaller groups in various locations (including The Sanctuary, Swain Street, Watchet) on 1st and 3rd Sundays.
A bit about us...
Church is for everyone. No matter how young or old we are - whether we're used to going to church or have never been before. Watchet Baptist Church is made up of people from just a few weeks old to those in their 90s and from all kinds of different backgrounds.
We gather in different ways - sometimes all together at Knights Templar School in Watchet
and in smaller gatherings in homes and parks. There's a Community Meal at our home building, The Sanctuary on Swain Street, Watchet, every Friday from 5pm-6.30pm
We also get together online each Sunday at 6pm on our YouTube channel to hear
some teaching together. Find out more on our 'Getting Together' page.
To keep up to date with things happening, check out our 'What's On' page,
or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Please have a look around our website and if you have any thoughts or comments,
please let us know through the Contact Us tab.

Our commitments
3 commitments help describe what we're about at WBC. They are:
1) I commit to Jesus
(Spoken to God)
Responding to Your love for me,
I commit my life to You.
You are my Lord. You are my Saviour. You are my example.
Please help me to become more like You.
2) I commit to the people in this church community
(Spoken to each other in the church community)
Recognising that God wants us to live out our faith together
and to encourage each other to become more like Jesus,
I commit to serving God in this church community.
Please disciple me as I open my life to you.
You are my community for discipleship, mission and worship in this coming year.
I will live out the vision and values of this church in partnership with you.
3) I commit to my neighbours in the world
(Spoken symbolically to those in our wider community)
Joining in with God’s loving mission and going,
I commit to sharing God’s love with you
in my attitudes, in my actions and in my words.
I will be good news in relationship with you.
Teaching from WBC
Teaching at WBC is available online - through our YouTube channel or in podcast form. You can find us as WBC Online on Spotify, Amazon and Apple Podcasts. Or you can listen below.